Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is It A Crisis or A Problem?

Dr. Pedro Noguera from New York University spoke and delivered on "Creating Conditions that Promote Student Achievement." This is not new to any of us! He delivered a case for why culture is so significant when planning your school year, mission statement, and responding to the issues that students face in school..specifically disinfranchised students! The statement that made want to shout,scream and kick like a toddler was this one--"We continue to state that American educational system is in a CRISIS but its really a problem...when there is a CRISIS we react and be about actively solving it. He assured us the American educational system only has a problem." In my opinion, just another problem. We have the resources,intellectual minds, and students who need opportunities! American Education..what are we waiting for?


  1. This same statement was powerful to me also. The statement about how teachers continue to get their payments also hit home. I wish I knew the answer to practice what we preach. I just don't.

  2. Dr. Noguera didn't really say anything new. Mike Schmoker told us that we already have the answers and we know what needs to be done. Unfortunately, our knowledge is not translating into getting results now.

  3. i like the distinction you, and mr. noguera, make between a crisis and a problem, but wonder where on the continuum these two statements fall. how far apart are they? is our action, or inaction, the only way to descriminate between these two terms? i don't want to wait for the powers that be to react in order for me to see urgency in a situation, particularly one that i function in.
